200 Hr Yoga Teacher Training

and 75 Hr Yoga Immersion - Jan 2019


Are you ready to become a certified yoga professional? Or to transform your life with a yoga immersion that will take your practice to the next level of depth and skill?

Join Alyssa in January for this life-changing opportunity! 

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2019 YTT & Yoga Immersion FAQ's:

Who? You! All levels are welcome to join.

What? A 75 hour Yoga Immersion that includes instruction in yoga poses, breathing techniques, meditation, philosophy, anatomy and yoga lifestyle. AND, for those who would like to become yoga teachers, you may continue your journey by folding those hours into a 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training (YTT), culminating in certification from the Yoga Alliance.

When? The Immersion is 2.5 months: January 11-March 23. The Yoga Teacher Training is 5 months: January 11-May 5. See below for specific dates.

Where? At the beautiful Yoga Nest in Kailua-Kona, HI. (75-159 Lunapule Rd STE 9A, Kailua-Kona, HI 96740)

How? See link below FAQ sheet to write Alyssa and register.  She will make arrangements for you to make your $800 deposit for the Yoga Teacher Training or your $500 deposit for the Immersion to hold your space. You can also contact Alyssa at soulshapeyoga@gmail.com or (808) 345-4776.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Will I be able to register with the Yoga Alliance after I have completed my yoga teacher certification? Yes! The instructor, Alyssa Kratz, is working as a teacher under the umbrella of Yoga Impact school, which is a RYS (Registered Yoga School) with the Yoga Alliance since 2008. To learn more about Yoga Impact, see yogaimpact.org.

Do I need yoga experience before I join the Immersion or the Yoga Teacher Training? It is highly recommended that you have at least a few months of yoga classes before you start the Immersion. Although there are no strict prerequisites for joining the teacher training, it is very intensive, and you really want to make sure that you are making the right investment in your future.

Can anyone become a yoga teacher? YES! Alyssa has trained and worked with a variety of demographics and special populations. She feels the need for a broad spectrum of yoga experiences, from gentle classes and meditation to intense studio workouts. Yoga is for everyone, and we need a variety of teachers to spread the joy.

Will I be able to work as a yoga teacher? YES! Alyssa will help all of her trainees individually toward their goal of teaching. She shares the skills that she has developed through 13 years of yoga practice and 9 years of teaching and private instruction. It is not very likely that anyone will offer you a full time job teaching yoga. Some yoga teachers have made $40,000 annually after about 5 years of entrepreneurial work. For most, yoga teaching is a lucrative second income.

Who is Alyssa Kratz?  A sought out teacher for her depth and breadth of knowledge and ability to connect with diverse populations, Alyssa stumbled upon yoga at the age of 18. She was skeptical...but skepticism turned to curiosity, curiosity to commitment and her commitment evolved into a deep love of yoga and all that it offers. Yoga transformed Alyssa's life (and continues to!) and it is her passion for this transformation that she shares so potently with her students and clients.

Alyssa is a RYT-500 (Registered Yoga Teacher) and has an additional 250 Hour specialty in the Therapeutic Benefits of Yoga for Illness and Injury Recovery and Mental Health. Over 13 years of practice, she has been fortunate to study with senior teachers from many of the world's most prominent traditions, including Ashtanga, Anusara, Jivamukti, and Yin yoga. She has spent time in India where she studied one-on-one with teachers in meditation, pranayama, and philosophy. Her approach to teaching yoga is the product of her own practice and 9 years of experience teaching varied and diverse populations yoga. Alyssa teaches regular classes and workshops in the Kailua-Kona area as well as retreats internationally.

Her approach to yoga is that yoga is simple...and yoga is for everyone. Alyssa works with clients of all ages and skill abilities from seniors, to yoga for injury recovery, yoga for addictions recovery groups and yoga for beginners and advanced students alike. Her philosophy is that there is some part of yoga practice or yoga philosophy that is accessible to everyone. Whether it be simple breathing practices, posture or activities to better mentally process our worlds; she is committed to finding the practice that's right for you and will compassionately guide you through it.

When Alyssa is not teaching yoga, she enjoys outdoor adventures of any variety. You'll find her scuba diving, free diving, hiking, rappelling, slacklining, or traveling. To balance the adventuring, Alyssa also loves caring for her plants, quiet moments of meditation and enjoying the beauty of her Hawaiian home.

What is my personal commitment? The personal investment is to your health, happiness and wellness. The immersion and the teacher training are designed to help us all gain insight into what makes us happy. What is our dharma or life’s path? What do we want for our loved ones and ourselves? How are we contributing to the uplift of our community?

What is the time investment? In addition to the training hours, you will be asked to commit to a daily home practice. This can be of your choosing: a minimum of 20 minutes/5 times a week. This might be breathing and meditation, or maybe stretches and strengthening, or an hour-long practice. What we have seen is that even after 5 minutes of focused breathing, our day-to-day experience is richer and less stressful.

What is the financial investment?
The Immersion is $1000 for 75 hours of instruction (only $900 if you pay your deposit of $500 by December 8th). Just so you know, this fee will be applied toward the Certified Yoga Teacher Training if you if you choose to continue the journey.

The Yoga Teacher Training is $2900 for 200 hours of instruction (only $2700 if you pay your deposit of $800 by December 8th). It includes 7 months of unlimited yoga classes with Alyssa at all of her venues.

Do I need to buy books or special props? Yes. There will be a small book list for you to purchase and a longer book list of “Recommended Books” that you may accumulate over time as you’re ready to or interested to. Plenty of these books can be found on Amazon for inexpensive prices. Participants will also be encouraged to use a variety of online resources for learning. Trainees will be encouraged to bring their own mats to class.

I would like to talk this over with Alyssa. How do I contact her? Email Alyssa at soulshapeyoga@gmail.com or simply write a note via the contacts page on this website and she will set up a time to talk with you!

What are the Immersion dates and topics?

(All training weekends for the immersion and YTT will be Friday’s from 5pm-9pm, Saturday’s from 11:30-7pm, and Sunday’s from 11am-6pm)

  • January

  • 11 Ethics, Yoga Lifestyle

  • 12 Corridor of Strength, Philosophy

  • 13 Practicing at Home

  • 25 Biomechanics

  • 26 Sanskrit, Lower Body Anatomy

  • 27 Sun Salutations, Upper Body Anatomy

  • February

  • 8 History of Yoga

  • 9 Mechanics of Breath, Pranayama, Guided Meditation with Guest Teacher Chris Coniaris

  • 10 Inversions, Backbends with Chris Coniaris

  • March

  • 8 Standing Poses, Twists

  • 9 Alignment, Forward Bends

  • 10 Chakras, Subtle Body

  • 22 Ayurveda with Guest Teacher Chelsea Morriss

  • 23 Restorative Yoga

What are the Yoga Teacher Training dates & topics?

Jan-March Immersion plus:

  • March

  • 24 Teaching methodology for gentle yoga, Writing Lesson Plans

  • April

  • 5 Sequencing for Gentle Yoga

  • 6 Teaching methodology for flow yoga, Theming, Cuing

  • 7 Designing sequencing/theming for flow yoga

  • 19 Teaching methodology for restorative yoga

  • 20 Hands-on Adjustments

  • 21 Practice Teaching

  • May

  • 3 Practice Teaching

  • 4 Practice Teaching

  • 5 Closing Celebration!