“I feel so fortunate...”

I feel so fortunate to have had Alyssa as one of my first teachers. Her ability to balance a class helped me to grow at my own pace and challenge myself when I felt ready. She is patient and encouraging with students who are all at different levels.

— J.S.

“Loves sharing her gift...”

Alyssa is a scholar of yoga and a gifted story teller. She brings a powerful feeling of intention to her classes with coherent themes and valuable lessons. Alyssa's classes are fun and challenging, her sequencing is always creative and unique and most of all she gives you a sense that she loves yoga and truly loves sharing her gift with her students. 

— D.M.

"While Alyssa has a deep understanding of the human body’s potential within the postures, her eye is always on the deeper aspects of the practice and the higher goals of the Yogi Heart."

— Joe Barnett, E-RYT500 & Senior Teaching Assistant of Paul Grilley


“Genuine passion...”

Alyssa's genuine passion for life and yoga practice are infectious. She has a beautiful heart and is always motivating, encouraging, and pushing me (gently) towards a better practice.


"Subtle and deep..."

You know those people who are doing exactly what they came here to do? Well that’s Alyssa and yoga. I’ve practiced a lot, but rarely do you come across a teacher who has such a subtle and deep understanding of both the anatomy and the practice.  Alyssa's got an eagle eye for minute corrections, which make a huge impact, and the way she integrates body, mind, spirit and movement in each class is a gift. I always leave feeling like my body’s been massaged from the inside out. 



“Balanced health...”

This is a practice everyone should have for balanced health and preventative medicine.

— I.M. 

“Ease and stability...”

Alyssa is very thorough in assisting with proper alignment, breath work, and how to have ease and stability in each asana. 

— S.G.

With Alyssa’s guidance, I was able to overcome grief and begin living yoga off the mat.
— C.S.